You deserve more reader comments, S.B.

On related themes . . .

The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.

Re "Judeo-Christians kill more, by far, than any other self identified group in world history", you'll see Winston Churchill's remarks from The Soudan Campaign on this very point. True? To be examined in a subsequent Substack.

First, of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.


Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.


This could also interest you . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-long-proxy-war-vi-god-favours

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Are you serious, or yanking my chain? :-)

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There are numerous points to this essay.

Any parts that you take exception to please?

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Author

No thanks.

I would like to hear your view of something I posted at Caitlin Johstone’s substack today, which was written by someone I attended grammar school with, and he subscribed to my substack the other day and we had sone conversation about Gaza.


One must wonder how many decades people will cling to the vision of a two-state solution for the Israelis and the Palestinians while the facts on the ground move continually in the other direction. Nor is a one-state solution any more plausible. Time for a new idea.

The fundamental problem for Israel and the Palestinians is that there are 5 million stateless Palestinians and Israel will never accept them as citizens because they are not Jewish. Without a country, the Palestinians will never be free. I see one possible solution: the world should buy a country for the Palestinians.

It would not be cheap. Rebuilding Gaza after Israel destroys it will also not be cheap, but the world will pay for it. Here is my proposal.

Buy a poorly developed part of Sudan bordering Egypt with a size roughly equivalent to Israel. Include an outlet to the Red Sea.

Sudan is located in the same general part of the world as Gaza but far enough away from Israel to make continued hostilities unlikely. The no-longer-stateless Palestinians would not try to launch rockets across Egypt.

An offer sufficiently attractive to Sudan to conclude such a deal would need to be explored.

One possibility: Offer to permanently redirect the aid that the US gives Israel (approximately $4 billion per year) and give it to Sudan instead. Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world with a GDP of approximately $34 billion. Permanent aid of $4 billion per year would make a huge difference.

Enlist a coalition of nations to build a new Palestine in the purchased area. The US can contribute the money it would otherwise spend replacing all the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza that Israel has turned into rubble. Israel can rebuild Gaza.


I, Sloan, take exception to any government, politician, religious leader, historian, because I figure, at best, I’m only hearing half the truth. Thus, I do not trust Israel or Hamas, nor do I trust anyone who takes one side or the other in Palestine, because I have dealt with religious fanatics many times, and there is no way in heaven or hell to get them to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God!

Now, when I say religious fanatics, I do not mean just people who belong to a recognized religion. I mean also, people who have joined a herd, which has a leader, and they are loyal to that leader, as if their very bank accounts and smart phones and automobiles and even their lives depend on it. Take the herds bashing Israel and America and giving Hanas a free pass. Do they ever think that they were so abused when they were children that what’s going on in Gaza, which is truly horrible, punches every last one of their wounded and abused little child buttons, so that they simply cannot see Hamas tricked israel into doing the very thing Hamas wants israel to do in Gaza?

But what does that have to do with my getting more reader comments? I get plenty of reader comments from people such as yourself, when I wander into discussion at the Christ Hedges and Caitlin Johnstone forums, and that happened when I subscribed to the Heather Cox Richardson newsletter. I get very few comments at my substack, and even fewer comments at my blog. But a podcast I do with a friend gets over 200,000 complete watches per episode, world wide, in the Torrent system, whose subscribers are far more open to something different, than are people who use YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Facebook, Substack,etc. When we only used YouTube for the podcast, we were banned from Russia, Belarus, Red China and half of India.

After the war in Gaza started, Youtube was getting so many uploads, some of which were utterly bonkers, that it had to stop using its AI moderation program and use human beings to review every upload, which slowed You/tube down to a slow crawl. So, now we launch new podcast episode straight into the Torrent system, and if we can upload to YouTube, we do that. We don’t charge for subscriptions,and we don’t let You/tube runs ads. And we don;t solicit anything. We just give it away, and we get very little feedback.

The podcast we did on Amended t4, Section 3, was picked up by a satellite radio station in Colorado, and they had a federal judge on the air with the radio show’s host, and the host questioned the judge about our podcast, which the judge also had watched. He was a Republican, and he dissed me pretty good, but he finally said President Biden, not a private citizen, should have had the US Department of Justice bring the 14/3 action in a federal court, to determine if 14/3 disqualified Trump from holding public office. That broadcast and watches of that podcast episode went viral in Colorado, The radio station was swamped with death threats, its insurance carrier canceled its insurance coverag,e and the station went off the air. Not long after, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled 14/3 barred T/urmp from being on the Colorado ballot, the court was swamped with death threats.

I’m 81, my star has mostly run its course, I can’t do a lot of things I used to do, and I spend a lot of time writing and shooting off my mouth, to help pass the time. While I watch my country, America, go to hell upside down and backward, and I watch my country and Israel try to start WW III, if Ukraine and America and Russia don’t start it first.

If I were president, I would declassify all U.S. Government’s UFO files, hoping that would so fuck up every stupid war and disagreement going on everywhere, that maybe humanity would come to its senses, or at least stop fucking over other humans beings, and they start trying to save humans from both themselves and what they perceive to be the, yes, the sum of all their fears, over which they have zero control, which might be worse fear for them than having zero control over God by whatever name they tried many times to remake in their own image and boss around.

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